AWHONN Wisconsin (Virtual) – Intimate Partner Violence Awareness

Intimate Partner Violence Awareness

Alicia Gehrig, Communications and Partnership Specialist

Christine Ann Domestic Abuse Shelter, Oshkosh, WI

Registers Now!

Zoom Event – Link will be sent a few days before the meeting to registrants.

Intimate partner violence (IPV) affects millions of people in the U.S. each year — 1 of 4 women and 1 of 10 men have experienced sexual or physical violence or stalking by an intimate partner.  Over 43 million women have experienced psychological aggression.  IPV is a public health and social justice issue.  Survivors can experience physical injuries, mental health issues, and are at higher risk for engaging in risky behaviors; IPV can result in death.  The promotion of a healthy, respectful, nonviolent relationship is the “ticket” for awareness and prevention.

AWHONN Wisconsin (Virtual) – Promoting Vaginal Birth

Promoting Vaginal Birth – California Maternal Quality Care Committee (CMQCC)Toolkit

Register Now!

Zoom Event – Link will be sent a few days before the meeting to registrants.

Over the past 50 years, the cesarean rate has increased 50%! While cesareans can be life-saving, there are extreme variations of rates among hospitals and they carry a significant consequence for future pregnancies. The goal of the CMQCC Toolkit is to reduce unnecessary cesareans; the focus is on labor support. Developing a culture that supports vaginal birth includes modern childbirth education, shared-decision making, intermittent fetal monitoring skills, freedom of movement, coping with labor (rather than the traditional pain scale), working with doulas, and using an active labor partogram rather than “grandma’s” labor curve. A toolkit will be shared with the audience as well as an Implementation Guide for supporting vaginal birth.

This event is sponsored by Linet Birthing Beds and will conclude with a 10 minute presentation.

AWHONN Perinatal Sepsis Webinar

Perinatal sepsis is one of the top contributing factors in the increasing maternal mortality and morbidity rates. This webinar covers potential risk factors for developing perinatal sepsis and teaches clinicians how to recognize, respond, and manage symptoms. The knowledge taught in this webinar can positively impact nursing practice through detecting maternal risk factors early, teaching nurses how to provide rapid clinical interventions, and enhancing patient/family education.

Learning Objectives:

1. Clarify definitions for intraamniotic infection (Triple I; chorioamnionitis), sepsis, septic shock, and maternal sepsis.

2. Identify key nursing assessments and protocols for early recognition and management of perinatal sepsis.

3. Identify critical elements for patient education, including warning signs.

Contact Hours: 1.0 hours (CNE available through 12/31/2022)

Speaker: Carol Burke, MSN, APRN/CNS, RNC-OB, C-EFM

Click here to register for this webinar!

Wisconsin AWHONN Conference 2019